I'm a firm believer that every creature on Earth has a purpose, some reason for their importance to this life, a contribution, destiny, and overall reason for being alive. But some are a little less clear than others. Pests such as gnats or other irritating little buggers don't seem to have a clear purpose like most other creatures and I would be lying if I said I didn't wish we could rid the world of things like gnats or flies lol! The only clear purposes a gnat has to me is testing my patience and haunting one's home!! Seriously....what does a gnat really do other than drive you bonkers and make you swat at the air repeatedly like a crazy person?!
Moving on to the destruction and massacre of these irritating little pests. They can live peacefully outside in nature, but they are most definitely NOT welcome to dwell in my home. NOPE, not happening gnats. Problem is...I have many houseplants and like to have some sort of fresh fruit in my home on a regular basis which quite often results in these lil jerks thinking they are welcome to linger uninvited in my domain lol!
I decided to do a little gnat destruction research on Pinterest (which when all else fails folks look on pinterest, seriously, people are ahhmazingly creative, crafty, and ingenious at times, and it is like an ocean of ideas, handy tips, and just plain awesomeness). Needless to say I found many o' different hints, tricks, ideas, and different concoctions for desolating gnats! Problem was... I didn't have all the same ingredients as most of these gnat traps called for and some seemed a bit over the top ie unnecessarily complicated for bug slaying. I like to keep things simple, but effective and that is why I'm sharing this method with ya'll. It's simple and it works. Even my fiance was rather impressed, surprised and pleased since the gnats were driving him batty as well. Honestly, he doesn't always have faith in my crazy concoctions (can't say I blame him, can't win em' all right lol), but once he saw the cup full of pesty dead gnat bodies and noticed the interior peace had been restored, he gave me MAD PROPS :) and he said I should blog about that lol!
So here I am....blogging my simple, but way effective gnat trap, hoping this provides easy relief for somebody else in the world that is way over those little jerks buzzing around in their kitchens. Most traps I found on Pinterest called for covering a cup with plastic wrap, poking holes in it, apple cider vinegar and soap and really a much larger production, and a way more specific ingredient list than really necessary! Gnats or fruit flies as some call them are clearly attracted to fruits or sweet sugary stuff. So give them little pests what they want mwuahaha, bait them in with juice or a lil fruit mixed with water that is on the verge! Its that simple.
I used an old personal sized container of apple sauce that had been in my fridge FOREVER, okay not forever, but it was no longer a safe bet for human consumption lol! I mixed in a dash of dish soap and white vinegar and by the next morning I had at least 20 to 30 dead gnats in the cup! I placed it by my houseplants, away from my kitchen counter, where they seemed to be lingering about and BAM, my kitchen was gnat free within a few days. It's a tad gross aka a bit of an eye sore, but know what's even grosser?? Going to get a drink of your coffee and seeing a gnant floating in it URRGH/ICK!!
What you need:
~An 8oz cup or larger
~Something fruity and sweet~ a little juice, applesauce, old piece of fruit or something similarly sweet to bait them suckers in
~They can't swim so a sweet liquid will attract them to the cup where they shall be doomed, I used a little white vinegar, but water would have worked fine mixed with the ol applesauce. Or you could use a dash of fruit juice and water.